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Whole series of potholes in this area

Reported in the Potholes category by Tim Morton at 09:58, Fri 10 February 2017

Sent to Leicester City Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 977598.

The road surface has broken up in many parts of the road exposing the cobbles underneath. This is a very longstanding problem in the side streets between Narborough Road and Western Road. There is a big construction project happening at the junction with Briton Street so you may want to wait until the large vehicles have finished.

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  • I received this from the Council on 16th February - I'm posting it here for information. Given the parlous star of local government financing I can understand the policy.

    I am writing further to your enquiry concerning the condition of the carriageway on Roman Street and other side streets off Western Road. These streets are old granite sett streets where the tarmac has stripped off over time and some of them are in poor condition but generally the depth of the potholes does not meet the Council’s intervention level for repair. I do inspect these streets every six months and issue works orders for any repairs where the defects meet the Council’s intervention level – my next inspection will be carried out next week. Unfortunately to resurface the carriageway in these streets would be very expensive and the Council’s funds for such works is limited due to Government cuts so I will add the worst streets, including Roman Street, to a list for future planned highway maintenance resurfacing work and they will be prioritised for repairs amongst other outstanding streets within the City. Our programme takes into account the worst areas that are in need of maintenance first. I cannot confirm a date for any resurfacing work as the Councils’ plan for highway maintenance extends to 5 years and a backlog of maintenance exists due to reduced funding over the last few years. In the meantime I will continue to monitor the carriageway condition through my inspections and carry out any repairs that occur as part of a reactive maintenance regime, should the deterioration become worse the Council may intervene and bring any planned works forward if required. I trust this clarifies the situation but should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely Jane Morgan Highway Asset Management Team Tel 0116 454 5033

    Posted by Tim Morton at 11:29, Tue 7 March 2017

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