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Overgrown bushes need trimming back on the gate

Reported anonymously at 17:16, Wed 24 August 2016

Sent to Leicester City Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 884261.

The entrance is blocked by overgrown bushes at the end of Hyde Close. Gate leading to the communal area. I've been constantly been asked by the public if I know of who is responsible, so I thought I would report the problem to get it fixed. Thanks ( I was unable to upload any photos using my phone camera. I can email them should anyone wish to email me)

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 20:45, Wed 21 September 2016

  • I have been advised that the City Council does not look after the shrubs in Heathley Park, so I need to contact Miller Homes who looks after the area. The Customer care number for Miller Home is 0800 954 8424.

    Posted anonymously at 20:45, Wed 21 September 2016

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