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A large pile

Reported in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 13:05, Tue 5 January 2010

Sent to Birmingham City Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 86278.

There is a large pile of what were mainly green refuse bags to the rear of 154 / 155 Lodge Road. This pile is now attracting other different coloured rubbish as well as a fridge etc.
It needs clearing away before it becomes an unofficial tip for the weak minded and indolent.

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  • Once reported the rubbish was removed within a day or two, excellent.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 14:00, Tue 2 February 2010

  • Questionnaire filled in by problem reporter; State changed to: Fixed, 14:00, Tue 2 February 2010

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