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Queens Supermarket, Ilford

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 21:36, Sun 13 December 2009

Sent to Redbridge Borough Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 83521.

This rather large asian grocery/supermarket have constantly over the past few years have violated public footpaths by storing the containers and stacking equipment on the main footpath. Not only is the hazardous to the general public but vegetables left on the pavement are not cleaned up either. This together with the wet conditions we are having is causing slippery surfaces due to their neglect. Please can something be done about this.

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  • I too have noticed this, along with the aggressive attituse of some people parking on the main road, often blocking pedestrian access and crossing areas. Earn some revenue by sending enforcement officers there frequesntly. The slippery pavements are a real hazard too.

    Posted anonymously at 19:13, Mon 14 December 2009

  • This problem still persists even after three years.

    Posted anonymously at 22:08, Tue 12 June 2012

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