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Parking on double yellows every Fri-sat evening

Reported via Android in the Car parking category anonymously at 16:49, Sat 4 June 2016

Sent to Leicester City Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 835129.

Cars parked all along road on double yellows and on foot path in this whole area most Friday and Saturday evening/nights. Late when parking wardens not on shift. Dangerous to drive around. Mainly caused by restaurant here and when they have an event like a wedding on. Council have recently REMOVED car park from this area and have just tarmaced over!

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  • Good morning Thank you for passing on your concerns about the evening parking on Archdeacon Lane. I will add this to our visit request list for extra enforcement by our night shift. If you have any other questions on this matter, please call our team on the number below. Kind regards Parking Enforcement Supervisor Planning, Transportation and Economic Development Leicester City Council Tel; 0116 2995063

    Posted anonymously at 07:37, Fri 10 June 2016

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