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Severe pothole

Reported in the Potholes category anonymously at 21:54, Sun 13 March 2016

Sent to Staffordshire County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 787229.

Severe pothole around surface drain on LHS of road when traveling towards the M54 junction and about 100 metres from the traffic lights. The hole is very deep with severe sharp edges capable of causing serious damage to tyres and wheels or personal injury (to cyclists). The carriageway is narrow at this point and so it is difficult to avoid the hole, even if it is noticed before its being reached. But since this road is favoured by HGV it is not possible to be sure of noticing the hole if following a large truck or bus. It appears from this web site that others may have reported the problem a long time ago leaving the highways authority for this area open to successful insurance claims arising from vehicle damage.

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  • I haven't travelled this route since my report, so I can't comment on any positive action. However, I did receive an email notice from the Staffordshire Council Central Admin as follows: "The identified defects are not considered to be high risk and the necessary repairs will be grouped with similar works in the area to be as efficient and cost effective as possible. Currently over 50% of these repairs are taking place within 60 days." I am not convinced that this is anything other than a put-off. The impact from the pothole which I hit on my journey was very severe and I would consider it to be a high risk. My motive is to ensure that any claim by a third party within this timeframe stands the possibility of success as a result of my making this report.

    Posted anonymously at 16:25, Mon 11 April 2016

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