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Dog bins needed

Reported anonymously at 20:52, Tue 8 March 2016

Sent to Cannock Chase District Council and Staffordshire County Council 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 783778.

Please could we have a dog bin installed in the alleyway that runs between the houses from Heath Hay up to the top of Meadow Way. This is used by a lot of dog walkers and a bin may encourage them to clean up after their pets. The nearest bins are in Gorsemoor Park which is quite a way away, especially if you are only taking the dog for a walk around the block. Thank you.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 21:37, Tue 5 April 2016

  • Not heard anything regarding dog bins.

    Posted anonymously at 17:55, Wed 1 June 2016

  • No reply from council, update to post or bins installed. Over 1 year since query was launched.

    Posted anonymously at 13:04, Sat 6 May 2017

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