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Reported anonymously at 00:28, Sat 9 January 2016

Sent to Breckland District Council and Norfolk County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 741819.

Excessive speeds are being used by people driving down commercial road - a road that is predominantly residential and only has a full length path on one side of the road. This happens day and night and I fear that someone will get injured if not killed. If a child were to step off the pavement in front of one of these speeding cars, I hate to think of the outcome. Can we please have some measure of deterrent? Speed bumps perhaps, or the flashing signs showing the speed limit, or a speed camera.

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  • This issue has been passed to the South Area highways team for their attention. It may be advisable to contact the local police regarding this matter also. Reference:

    Posted anonymously at 10:08, Mon 11 January 2016

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 10:48, Sat 6 February 2016

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 22:53, Sun 6 March 2016

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 23:06, Sun 3 April 2016

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 04:57, Tue 3 May 2016

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