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Dumped asbestos panels

Reported in the Flytipping category anonymously at 15:11, Thu 8 October 2015

Sent to Folkestone and Hythe District Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 699229.

I have notified the council about this asbestos dumped behind garages in St Martin's Road but it is STILL there after THREE months. Surely someone MUST be responsible and should clear it. Who owns the garage and who dumped it there? It is a danger to children but no-one seems to care.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 08:08, Tue 10 November 2015

  • Told the council back in June and they are investigating but nothing appears to have been resolved yet. This is an eyesore and should be followed up with those responsible.

    Posted anonymously at 08:08, Tue 10 November 2015

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 16:15, Thu 10 December 2015

  • Council seem reluctant to do anything about it. The asbestos is STILL there after SIX months. Dreadful.

    Posted anonymously at 16:15, Thu 10 December 2015

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