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Lighting in car parking area inconsiderate

Reported in the Street lighting category by Julie Kendrick at 22:11, Tue 6 October 2015

Sent to Staffordshire County Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 699032.

The new development on the opposite side of kitchen lane to WV11 has lighting in the parking areas that shine directly into my windows disturbing my sleep pattern . The lights are on permanently during the night unlike our security pir lighting which would be more appropriate.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 20:17, Wed 4 November 2015

  • No one has asked about the problem the issue remains along with traffic leaving the site with headlights directed straight into our living area. The road itself is becoming more dangerous due to traffic turning into the new development with traffic emerging from the blind bend at speed. This is a tragic accident waiting to happen

    Posted by Julie Kendrick at 20:17, Wed 4 November 2015

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 19:29, Thu 3 December 2015

  • Yet again this development has not been designed to fit in to the surrounding natural environment with low level lighting continually on causing light pollution into neighbouring properties

    Posted by Julie Kendrick at 19:29, Thu 3 December 2015

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