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Traffic lights in situ with no contractors working

Reported via mobile in the Current Roadworks - live information category anonymously at 19:07, Wednesday 15 January 2025 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6986105.


I would like to complain about the temporary traffic lights on the A4095 between Freeland and Cuckoo lane turn.

I have passed these lights 5 times in the past 48 hours at different times of the day and NO CONTRACTOR has been working there.

There do not appear to be any holes in the road so why on earth are they even there?

The traffic in peak times is gridlocked through Long Hanborough. This is completely unacceptable. Traffic lights on the A4095 should be manned during peak times due to the traffic problems. Why should local residents have to suffer such inconvenience.

Please arrange for the immediate removal of these lights.

Council ref: ENQ251031158

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 19:07, Wednesday 15 January 2025

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