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Big pothole

Reported via mobile in the Potholes category by Keith Armiger at 14:04, Thu 26 December 2024

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6897756.

Big pothole, major rattle on front of van since hitting it couple of weeks ago.

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  • I've got a really nasty rattle now on the front of my ford transit connect van witch I didn't have until I hit this hole in road I've spent an absolute bloody fortune on my van to get it upto standard I bought the van from a company in Walsall in 7th December 2023 With 12 months M.O.T on it as the next two months went passed I had replaced that many things I took it to formula one and had it re Mot-ed so as you can probably tell by all of what have just explained to that I'm am not best happy for paying road tax and then having correct more faults dew to the standard of the road surface I await your reply 07512043161 Many thanks Mr Keith Armiger

    Posted by Keith Armiger at 14:18, Thu 26 December 2024

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