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Parked cars blocking driveway access

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 12:39, Sat 14 December 2024

Sent to Leeds City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6861251.

Today is a good example of a regularly occurring problem with parked cars blocking driveways and the road itself on Westfield Lane in Kippax. The street is so full of parked cars that drivers are gridlocked. They are having to reverse to make way and there are lots of angry gestures. Access to driveways is being blocked. My son at number 1a has completely lost access in or out for the past 3 hours. Delivery vans, fire engines or ambulances would have difficulties when this happens. It seems to be happening regularly now, several times every week. The recent changes to freely available parking in Kippax High Street may be a factor.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 07:38, Sunday 12 January 2025

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