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Red light jumpers

Reported in the Traffic lights category by Danny Gardner at 18:26, Thu 3 September 2015

Sent to Staffordshire County Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 684740.

This is an odd one because the traffic lights appear to be working. However during the night in very low traffic when arriving at the Island from the A460 (from Featherstone way) during the night the red light duration is very long.

I come this way every night so know the lights will change eventually even if I have to sit for 2-3 min. However almost every night I witness vehicles that either get fed up of waiting or assume the lights are faulty (which some nights would be a fair assumption and I even have to wonder if they are broke) and continue though on red.

Have seen a couple of close calls as fast moving traffic comes around the island to head down the A5 towards Cannock on a green light as vehicles from the A460 go though on red.

It's been like this since all the islands were reorganised earlier in the year.

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