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Persistent dog fouling

Reported via mobile in the Dog fouling category anonymously at 11:24, Mon 9 December 2024

Sent to Stockport Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6838215.

There’s a persistent dog fouling problem along this section of Ernocroft Road and Belmont Drive. This occurs over the winter period as soon as the clocks go back and it’s darker earlier so it begins. I and my neighbours have been keeping watch but so far the perpetrator has evaded us. By the end of the week I have to hose the pavement clear of dog poo then I leaf blow the path to expose poo that’s been trod in and walked along the path. Again hose this away I then give the path a dose of jeyes fluid.

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  • I did notice the ‘dog warden’ van drive past along the length of Ernocroft Road but at a speed which showed total disregard to the problem unless they are able to spot dog poo from a distance. I’ve purchased some disposable bags from the pet shop a taped them to the Road sign. ‘Feel free to use’. This has reduced the amount by about 15%.

    Posted anonymously at 12:31, Monday 6 January 2025
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • No improvement to signage or stickers. Has the council thought of using a biodegradable spray paint with a stencil saying no dog poo and spray the paths where the offending takes place?

    Posted anonymously at 14:38, Monday 3 February 2025
    Still open, via questionnaire

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