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178 - 180 Boston Manor Road

Reported via desktop in the Leaves/ leaf fall category by Ramesh Bhojwani at 15:15, Thu 5 December 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Hounslow Borough Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6823844.

On 23rd November there was a storm which produced gale force winds which caused the leaves on the pavement to block our front gates and footpath making it difficult for people to walk. On tuesday 26th November your street cleaner pushed all the leaves onto the grass verge which is between the walking pavement and cycle lane. If there is a possibility that these leaves will be blown back on to the pavement and cycle lane which is dangerous. The leaves have to be picked up and taken away by tr council as the trees belong to the council. Please send someone to check this problem as it is ongoing. It is a risk for children and elderly people.

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    Updated by Hounslow Highways at 11:19, Fri 6 December 2024

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