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Illegally driving over pavement

Reported via mobile in the Car parks category anonymously at 15:50, Tue 3 December 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Runnymede Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6815093.

Number 30 Howards Lane KT151ET is in dispute with Surrey Highways re dropped kerb and off street parking. This has been refused to date. The occupier and owner has been told that they should not mount the pavement or park on an illegally placed shingle driveway. The current occupants of number 30 constantly drive over the pavement onto this illegally placed driveway . This has dragged shingle across the pavement Ono the road and is hazardous to pedestrians and cars alike.

Surrey Highways have attended this address at least twice in the past month re planning issues re parking and told them not to park off street as it is illegal but the current occupants persist in mounting the kerb , crossing the footpath and it’s an absolute mess

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