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Cycle path flooded

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 08:15, Tue 25 August 2015

Sent to Tower Hamlets Borough Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 680358.

The brand new CS3 segregated cycle path is under several inches of water and is totally unfit for purpose. It seems to have no drainage whatsoever and in its present state is highly dangerous as debris is hidden by the water. It really needs to be ripped up and rebuilt.

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  • Error above - this is Cycle Superhighway 2 - see cdn/ static/ cms/ documents/ bcs2-map.pdf

    Not surprised - they're paying equal disregard to drainage further up CSY2 on Mile End Road and Bow Road. That and the fact they couldn't go much slower on the upgrade on the south side of the road if they tried. The barriers up all over the place and the road is infinitely more dangerous for both pedestrians and cyclists.

    Posted anonymously at 10:23, Tue 25 August 2015

  • Yes, it's CS2. I've already complained about the awful surface up on Bow Road. The contractors are really cutting corners with this.

    Posted anonymously at 11:17, Tue 25 August 2015

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