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Constant smell from drains

Reported anonymously at 06:53, Mon 24 August 2015

Sent to Tower Hamlets Borough Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 679969.

There is a constant bad smell from the drains/sewers along this part of Cambridge Heath Road. At night it is awful and you cannot sleep with the windows open. To make matters worse, the council do not collect the rubbish along this road as often as they publish. This may be a commercial area, but some of us who don't have the luxury of social housing have to live in slum areas like this. This has been ongoing for at least a year now

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  • FMS isn't designed for making complaints. It goes to the parts of the council that schedule routine remedial work, not to higher levels of management. People outside the council who read it generally don't have any power over the council.

    Moreover, the public sewage system is not maintained by the council, for that, you want Thames Water.

    Missed rubbish collections are specifically listed on the help page as things that are outside the scope of FMS.

    If you feel the council is generally doing a bad job, you should contact your ward councillors. If you have a complaint about specific dealings with you, all councils will have a specific complaints procedure.

    Not from the council.

    Posted anonymously at 08:03, Mon 24 August 2015

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