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Delivery drivers/taxis driving along pavement

Reported via desktop anonymously at 12:43, Wed 27 November 2024

Sent to Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6791591.

Subject: 74-92 Oxford Road My name is Cheryl Whitton of 74 Oxford Road and I am writing to you on behalf of myself and several other neighbours who live between 74 and 92 Oxford Road (as above), asking if we may get permission to put wooden bollards with reflectors in the corners of the pavements and verges outside of our properties on what is public land. For many years we had very poor pavements both surface wise and drainage, we have also had to put up with delivery drivers driving along the pavement between numbers 74-92 along with taxis doing the same, visitors to other properties and those visiting the hospital parking on the verges and final bugbear drivers who decide they want to go in the opposite direction and they pull into one drive go along the pavement/verge to the next drive and pull out! We have asked the taxis and delivery drivers not to do this on many occasions as it will only be a matter of time before there is a serious accident however it always falls on deaf ears, also when cars are parked on the verge it makes it very difficult to see the oncoming traffic when pulling out of our drives, again a potential accident. We have recently had new drainage installed along with new tarmac to our drives and pavements for which we are all very grateful and it looks great. Most of us take great pride in not only our properties but also the land in front, we mow the verges, plant flowers, pick up rubbish and sweep the pavements/drives of debris. The verges are constantly being chewed up and I can’t imagine the damage that is caused to the newly refurbished drives and pavements that we can’t yet see but will appear in due course. We are happy to contribute.

Council ref: ENQ241025399

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  • Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 12:43, Wed 27 November 2024

  • Further photo to show vehicles being driven down the pavement between 92 and 74 Oxford Road Banbury OX16 9AN

    Posted anonymously at 15:55, Tuesday 7 January 2025

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