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Tree debris

Reported via iOS anonymously at 12:29, Tue 26 November 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6784814.

I pay a subscription for two brown bins, which is for the removal of my garden waste. Directly outside of my property is a tree and the majority of the debris from this tree falls into my garden all over our cars and into the brown bins that we pay a subscription for we no longer see why we should have to put the debris from this tree which is not ours into bins that we pay for this and prevent us from using the bins for our own garden debris You will notice in the pictures that there is a pile of leaves which we have swept up from our driveway. You’ll notice on the footpath outside. There is Debbie and also on the grass verge we would like to report this and ask the local authority come and remove this debris , and if this is something that the local authority cannot or will not do then we request another brown bin free of charge to be used for the debris from this tree. I look forward to hearing from you.

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