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Rubbish flytipping

Reported via iOS in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 10:05, Fri 22 November 2024

Sent to Milton Keynes Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6770436.

Every Thurs Friday lots of bags and other items including paint pots various bags. Left on this corner. It makes the whole area feel rubbish and really needs tackling once and for all! Please can something be done here? I’ve lived here for 18 years and never felt so bad living in this hole because of so much people’s attitude to our local environment. I have challenged people leaving bags here before and their reply is but it’s getting taken away by the council! I’m sure if someone in authority was to be in this location a few weeks on the run they might educate??? Those who think it’s ok because mk council will come and take it away, so there’s no fear of any retribution at all parking issues on same street also still ongoing and no fear of any penalties or anything, just park where you like and dump your rubbish where you like because that’s Wolverton for you!! Very very sad place to live

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