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MORE Uncollected rubbish and unemptied bins

Reported via iOS in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 08:45, Fri 14 August 2015

Sent to Tower Hamlets Borough Council 5 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 676240.

Outside the side road entrance to the former St Ckements Hospital on Mile End Road - now a construction site. Bin is completely full. Normal rubbish is uncollected. The next communication on this matter of neglect of rubbish collection goes direct to the Mayor, the ward councillors and the Chair of the relevant committee. There is very obviously no oversight whatsoever of the lack of monitoring by Tower Hamlets officers of the extent of uncollected rubbish in locations on the south side of Mile End Road affected by the upgrade to the Cycle Superhighway 2

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  • It took days before this rubbish was removed.

    The problem keeps happening hence subsequent reports of the same problem.

    The management of rubbish collection of Mile End Road during the upgrade works continues to need more oversight than has been given to date.

    Posted anonymously at 07:06, Thu 10 September 2015

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