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Church visitors causing vehicle congestion

Reported via mobile anonymously at 12:56, Sun 17 November 2024

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6752856.

Westcotes Drive church, Sunday morning and other times of gatherings, cars parked on double yellow lines. Also cars parked over my dipped curb blocking access to my drive way. Not always the same car but always a visitor of the church. The issue has been going on the entire time we have lived here (15 months). I have young children, makes getting out of the car/parking on a different road more dangerous. Youngest doesn’t walk so carrying car seat/heavy bags. I understand people need to access the church for their Sunday worship but the parking situation is very problematic.

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  • This is still an ongoing problem, there was ample parking onsite but the temporary structures (which have been there for over 3 years now) have filled in all the sites parking leaving only on road parking which fills up very quickly often blocking people's driveways and blocking the cycling route from the main road.

    Posted anonymously at 11:50, Wed 25 December 2024

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