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Constant Fly Tipping

Reported in the Flytipping category anonymously at 13:39, Wed 5 August 2015

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 672047.

There is constant fly tipping at this junction of Mornington Street/Humberstone Road. It is large sofas, mattresses and debris just thrown. As a resident here this has happened in the same spot for the last ten years without any action. It causes obstructions on the walkaway. Currently there is a large amount of debris sitting on the corner of Mornington Street opposite the traffic lights and flats on Humberstone Road. There is no notice to stop fly tipping and would appreciate if you would put one up but would also look at the feasibility of a camera that is part of your camera project around the City which would also make this area/hotspot safer. The crime statistics suggest via a postcode search on the National Website show it is high in comparison other City centre postcodes.

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  • This has not been answered too.

    Posted anonymously at 14:31, Wed 2 September 2015

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