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Flooding through drive into garage as Drains not cleaned

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 10:47, Monday 4 November 2024

Sent to Reading Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6691838.

We have been having this issue for few years now that every time it rains the Kelvedon way road in Caversham is flooded within few minutes and water runs through the drive into the garage. The drainage seems to be blocked all the times with road full of leaves and also there isn't enough drains for the road. I saw Reading council Drainage cleaning vehicle some time ago cleaning on Coinsboro Avenue and spoke to them about the issue and why they aren't cleaning ours just to be told that our road is not on their list and so will be done in next round few days later and it has been weeks now. Seems, as always it has been ignored I guess. same happened with the road sweeper/cleaning.

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