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One way road

Reported via mobile in the Road signage category anonymously at 10:44, Thursday 24 October 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6653167.

As you turn into monsdale drive off crow lane it is a one way system I don't know how many times I have reported this the cars are speeding down there sometimes the no entry sign at the bottom has gone and the 20 mile sign is facing the wrong way people think they can go down it I can see a accident waiting to happen as it comes out on the main crow lane rd something has to be done about it as I live here and I see lots of cars doing it then people.expect the car to back up so they can get out onto the main rd please csn you sort this out if I have to ask again I will have to see my councillor about it thx

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    Posted by Bristol City Council at 10:44, Thursday 24 October 2024

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