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Dangerous driving

Reported via desktop anonymously at 19:01, Tuesday 22 October 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6646938.

Whilst crossing the road in my own street I was almost hit by a speeding car turning left on the roundabout diversion. While walking towards my house I noticed several other cars speeding through this diversion route. Once I got home I mentioned to my wife to take extra care when pulling off the drive. She responded by telling me there has already been an accident outside the shops earlier today. This is only day two of the roadworks and diversions down our street. There is a primary school and many pensioners in our street, could we get some kind of speed control set up to deter dangerous driving please. I am sure a presence fairly soon would get the message across, especially at rush hour times.

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