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Blanket of leaves: slip hazard in wet weather

Reported via desktop in the Vegetation & maintenance category anonymously at 11:08, Mon 21 October 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6640036.

Hi, I wondered whether this whole path from the pumping station to Barton Park junction is on routine maintenance to be 'swept' with the street cleaner? This is because there is a blanket of leaves that covers the whole length of the path with no clear part, this will become hazardous in wet weather. With thanks,

Council ref: ENQ241021488

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 11:09, Mon 21 October 2024

  • These leaves have built up again, resulting in a narrow 'clear' part of the path, which cyclists and pedestrians seek to use. So a road width size path is reduced to about 40 cm. Reason for this is because the slipping propensity is much higher if going across the leaves is used as an option. Please can this be swept and more of the path restored for use again. With thanks,

    Posted anonymously at 15:34, Mon 16 December 2024

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