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Tress overhanging into front garden/aspect of property

Reported via mobile anonymously at 10:04, Sun 20 October 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6636349.

I have already reported a problem with trees overhanging from the grass verge under report no. 6439798. However, there are about three trees and some overhang/encroach on to my front garden. The leaves shedding is a nightmare and making the area slippy. Also they are a certain species of tree that if one of their spores finds it way into your garden, and plants itself, you end up having a tree growing. Please please please sort these trees out. Please cut them back or even cut them down. They really are causing a problem to my property. I have only been in this property a couple of months, and even in that time I am aware how much hard work and issues they will cause me. If this is not dealt with or my other report 6439798 (my back garden is just a sea of leaves and I have already racked them up last weekend, but now they are back even deeper!!!!!!!), I will have no option than to seek someone to chop them down and invoice you with the work. I suffer with anxiety and depression and this whole tree situation is not helping my mental health and it is making it spiral! Please sort these threes out as soon as you possible. Many thanks.

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