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Dangerous parking

Reported via mobile anonymously at 16:01, Thursday 17 October 2024

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6628233.

This car is parked dangerously, on the corner between Farquhar Street and Cross Road. This area is especially busy from 3-5pm due to school timings, with this photo taken at 3.50pm. As a resident of this area for over 20 years, this year I have seen a significant uptick in dangerous and antisocial behaviour at these times predominately around driving and parking, with much of this involving parents picking up kids from the (non-state) school several minutes away from this road. I am worried someone is going to get injured and would like the school to discuss with parents the issues this behaviour is causing for residents.

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