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Traffic lights inoperative to motorcyclists

Reported via mobile in the Street lighting category anonymously at 20:36, Mon 14 October 2024

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6615036.

Tesco roundabout and Tesco junction

Since the introduction of traffic lights on the roundabout there has been significant issues with getting through the lights. Specifically at night, a bike approaching can be left waiting up to an infinite amount of time or until a car appears behind and has to be called forward in order for the lights to change.

This issue is unnaffected by the traffic on the roads and is most prominiantly an issue at night time or any time the roads are deserted. This has led me to get off my bike and walk it onto “central reservations” in order to turn around and go a different way.

On one occasion the lights did change but I was sat waiting for 15 minutes. It’s tempermental but occasionally I can flash my high beams and Rev the engine in order to activate the cameras.

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  • State changed to: In progress

    Updated by Hampshire County Council at 13:55, Tue 15 October 2024

  • State changed to: Action scheduled

    Updated by Hampshire County Council at 09:56, Wed 16 October 2024

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