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Traffic lights turning right only let a few cars through

Reported via mobile in the Traffic lights category anonymously at 07:47, Tuesday 8 October 2024

Sent to Reading Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6564044.

Especially in rush hour traffic, the light to turn right onto Berkley Avenue only lets about 3 cars through and not as often or as long as the light going straight into town, so traffic backs up all the way down the bath road. The pedestrian lights just past the beefeater also contribute to the awful traffic on this part of Bath Road too because they go on every couple of minutes because there are so many pedestrians there and you always have to stop when coincidentally the other light is green so lesser cars get through to go down Berkley Avenue. The roundabout here is another factor as well, because of the restriction in the morning going up Southcote lane (which make no sense by the way) and then suddenly, due to they way these lights all work, you have to give way to all the cars coming up Southcote lane making it longer for you to get down Berkley Avenue. I have been taking this route to work for over 5 years and have always noticed this issue and if this was fixed it would dramatically reduce traffic.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 09:32, Tuesday 5 November 2024

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