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SGN Road Works Blocking Pedestrian Access At A School

Reported via desktop anonymously at 15:20, Monday 7 October 2024

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6562107.

Smart Utilities are carrying out roadworks on behalf of SGN. This is one of many examples where Smart Utilities have not, nor are they complying with legislation, nor consideration to road users and pedestrians. As the Safety at Street Works and Road Works - A Code of Practice states: -

Consider both safe routes and the standards of fencing/barriers needed to protect pedestrians from risks from inside the work space. • Is there a high level of pedestrian traffic? – consider users of pushchairs, wheelchairs and mobility scooters. • Are there significant numbers of people with reduced mobility or walking difficulties (who may have problems with steps, cable protectors, or uneven surfaces ), or blind and partially sighted people? – consider any nearby hospitals, surgeries, residential homes etc. • Are there many children around? – consider nearby schools, parks, playgrounds etc. • Will pedestrian crossings or school crossing points be affected?

Funnily enough, here, we have an excavation with incorrect TM, incorrect safety for all - outside a school, and right next to a school crossing (controlled at set hours). No consideration has been given to persons with disabilities, and

We have an excavation where no thought has been given as to what are the correct barriers, to

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