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Road plate over excavation moving and rocking

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 21:59, Sunday 6 October 2024

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6558923.

Smart Utilities are carrying out works on behalf of SGN. As per usual, everything they do is incompetent. Here, we have a road plate that was not installed properly (wrong bolts. Only two bolts placed (out of four). The plates has moved and is rocking. The rocking started a week ago. The sound is loud and can be heard hundreds of metres away. The hole that a car can damage a wheel in, is getting bigger. A car will fall in. A pedestrian a fall in to the excavation and break a leg. Oh yes, the TM is really appalling. This was reported to Glasgow City Council at 12:49 on Sunday 06th October. At 22:00hrs nothing has been done.

This is incredibly dangerous.

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  • This excavation has been partially reinstated. The road plate has been moved to another part of the excavation. No bolts have been used to hold the roa plate in position. The road plate is above a 1.8 m deep excavation that contains a live gas mains, Scottish Water assets, and comms assets. The road plate is rocking under load for any Southbound traffic. The barriers are insufficient to protect. All advice from the people from falling in to a 1.8m excavation. All advice from the Safety at Street Works and Road Works - A Code of Practice has been ignored. Children embark on school busses in this area. The Puppet mask is at this location.

    Posted anonymously at 15:08, Monday 7 October 2024

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