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Dangerous parking

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 15:54, Mon 30 September 2024

Sent to Liverpool City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6534349.

Car drivers park on a double continuous line, in a zigzag pattern, and they also block sidewalks because they leave cars on the entire width of the sidewalk, so pedestrians have to go out into the street to cross. In addition, drivers do not pay attention to someone crossing a pedestrian crossing or walking on the sidewalk, they simply drive onto the sidewalk without maintaining safety. Paying attention does not help and actually makes drivers furious. Very often they also park directly on one of the left turn lanes, which puts other couriers at risk because in the afternoon it is a very busy street. Some drivers also park at a nearby bus stop. The behavior of these drivers is a threat to children and other users. the location is the intersection of streets West Derby Road and Boundary Lane close to St Michael primary school. L6 9AD

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  • The problem has not been solved. drivers do not care about pedestrian safety. when they are warned they start yelling and speaking vulgarly. on the other side of the street some drivers park their cars on the left turn lane. not on the side of the road but in the middle of the lane. they stop the car and just get out to pick up their children from school.

    Posted anonymously at 16:29, Mon 28 October 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

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