Hedge / Trees / Undergrowth has blown across the path way from Beaufort Close to the Churchill Road and is not passable!
Reported via desktop in the Hedges category anonymously at 11:37, Mon 23 September 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6503655.
I believe the overgrown hedgerow / undergrowth has already been reported, but due to the heavy storms last night the hedgerow/trees/undergrowth have now blown across the pathway, blocking the public footpath, which is used daily by the public for access Battle Close / Beaufort Close etc. to the Churchill Road. It is also leaning against the property 30, Beaufort Close where I am a tenant.
Council ref: ENQ241017629
State changed to: Investigating
Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 11:38, Mon 23 September 2024
I would be grateful to receive an update on the problem of the overgrown hedgerow / undergrowth reported on 23 September. Due to the heavy storms experienced in September the hedgerow/trees/undergrowth have blown across the pathway, blocking the public footpath, which is used daily by the public for access Battle Close / Beaufort Close etc. to the Churchill Road. It is also leaning against the property 30, Beaufort Close where I am a tenant. The public footpath is completely impassable, and this is a footpath used throughout the day by all members of the public, including those with restricted mobility, as it provides a safer alternative to walking through the Close where residents park up on pavements and local construction has meant that there is frequent construction traffic too. Please could we receive an update on when this obstruction might be attended to and removed. Thank you.
Posted anonymously at 12:31, Wed 2 October 2024
The issue is still there
Posted anonymously at 13:39, Thu 3 October 2024
Provide an update
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