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Window falling out

Reported via desktop in the Bus stop (shelter) category anonymously at 09:40, Tuesday 10 September 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to South Oxfordshire District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6456108.

There is a large window approx 1.5m by 2m in the southbound bus stop at A4074 Berinsfield which is falling out.

It coudl be caught before it breaks, if quick action taken.

The window is dangerous to pedestrians and road users

I don't have a photo as i was driving past but the window is broken at the top meaning that the pane is about 75 degrees vertical not ninety. open at top by about 0.5m.

Worsening problem

First saw it about 5 days ago.

Council ref: 6456108

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