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Congested streets causing dangerous situations

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 12:26, Sunday 8 September 2024

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6448999.

For residents on both Cloberhill Road and Mace Road it has been an increasing problem with cars coming in both directions down two very narrow streets with congested parking. There is absolutely not room for 2 cars to pass at the same time and there is rarely free spaces to pull into. This means that one person will likely, often, need to reverse all the way back down a street to let someone pass. It also means that people are likely to speed down the streets in an attempt to get through them as fast as possible to avoid encountering another vehicle, which is extremely dangerous with children playing nearby (especially on Cloberhill Road). I would like to ask that there be some serious consideration here for imposing some kind of one way system to help relieve users (and residents) of these roads.

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