Top Bricks broken off pillar / Hedge & Leaves Need Maintenance
Reported via desktop by Jane Ferguson at 16:56, Fri 6 September 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council and South Oxfordshire District Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6444667.
Outside No 54 and 60 there are a set of steps (photos are of steps outside No 60) These steps are breaking down with a big chunk of the step missing, health hazard! The coping bricks on top of left pillar have broken away and I found it 1/2 way down the street, I have this safe in my property. The hedges need trimming in the summer and leaves need clearing at end of fall, so far I have been doing all of this and I have already been injured clearing the leaves, as when I moved in to 56 Greys Road In January 2023 I cleared an entire brown bin of at least 5 years plus of leaves that were decomposed into a heavy dense mulsh which weighed my brown bin down so much that it was too heavy to pull back up the steep driveway and I injured by back badly! That’s when I decided I cannot do this year in year out!
This is not my job to maintain public steps, hedge trimming, leaf clearing and brick repairs. I would appreciate it if this could be addressed at your earliest convenience. And please inform me that this will be taken care of on a regular basis please? I’ve lived here 1 1/2 yrs and nobody has been out once to clear the leaves or trim the ivy alongside the steps! I have done it twice now and feel somebody needs to step up and take responsibly of these public areas. It should not be down to one property owner to be managing public areas for the whole of the strip of bungalows and people who use these steps daily! I have already witnessed someone falling on the steps outside No 54 which is why I raised the matter to South Oxfordshire District Council and speak to the team that come to mow the grass every summer and Steve from Highway advised me to write to Fix My Street.
Council ref: ENQ241016039
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:57, Fri 6 September 2024
NB these are the other set of steps outside No 54 Greys Road. At the end of the autumn this area is heavily loaded with leaves, which start composting and turn to slippery mulsh. I’ve already witnessed a person slip down these steps and unless these are cleared at least once a year that build up and become a health hazard!
Posted by Jane Ferguson at 23:11, Fri 6 September 2024
Thank you for using Fix My Street. Your enquiry has been forwarded to the Oxfordshire County Council. Unfortunately, this particular matter falls outside our responsibility. Please report this issue to to South Oxfordshire District Council under the category [Building Control for the brick issue and Street Cleansing for the leaves]: south-oxfordshire-district-council/ environment-and-neighbourhood-issues/ neighbourhood-services/
State changed to: Investigation complete
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 16:25, Mon 4 November 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.