Vehicles crossing Public Footpath
Reported via desktop in the Path/Way misused by unlawful users category anonymously at 16:03, Monday 19 August 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro
Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6375024.
The photographs clearly show that work has started on the site at Cross Hand Lydney. The construction management plan makes it clear at para 4.2 Access for Deliveries will make use of the entrance off Highfield Road. However, the attached photograph shows that the gate is open and the tyre makes on the tarmac indicates that it is being used to access the site. To enter the construction site from the double gates the vehicles have pass down Abbotts Gate then proceed along Highbrook Way. Prior to passing through the gates the vehicles cross FLY 92 which is used by children. The original planning application at para 1 placed a requirement that: No development shall take place, including any demolition works, until a construction management plan or construction method statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. P2116_21_FUL-GCC_HIGHWAYS-859927.pdf ( Subsequently, a management plan was approved P0048/24/DISCON | Discharge of condition 03 (construction management plan) relating to planning permission P2116/21/FUL. | Land At Cross Hands Garage Cross Hands Lydney Gloucestershire GL15 4BZ ( However, the document made it clear at para 4.2 Access for Deliveries The site will make use of the entrance off Highfield Road Why are there no warning signs that vehicles are now crossing a public footpath (FLY 92)
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•Objects on the highway network (i.e. a fallen tree)
•Faulty temporary or permanent traffic lights (i.e. stuck on red)
•Exposed cables
•Multiple street lighting faults
•Flooded roads
•Potholes over 75mm deep •Manhole/Metal Cover (i.e. missing or dangerous) please call our emergency number 08000 514 514.We will provide you with an update within ten working days, however, our aim is to keep you informed of progress within five working days, whenever possible.
Highways Customer Services Team Gloucestershire HighwaysPosted by Gloucestershire County Council at 16:04, Monday 19 August 2024
This report has now been passed to the Highways team for assessment.
If repair work is required, it will either be classed as urgent or will be put into a planned programme of works to ensure it is repaired as efficiently as possible.
In some cases a temporary repair will be needed, to make the area safe, then engineers will return to make a permanent repair.
An update on the issue will be provided.
On our website you can find out about planned work to maintain and improve Gloucestershire's streets by visiting
Thank you,
Highways Customer Services Team,
Gloucestershire HighwaysState changed to: Investigating
Posted by Gloucestershire County Council at 08:34, Tuesday 20 August 2024
State changed to: Open
Updated by Gloucestershire County Council at 17:11, Tuesday 20 August 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.