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Dangerous bus stop on fast road

Reported via iOS in the Bus stops category by Arusha Elworthy at 12:51, Monday 19 August 2024

Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6373876.

The attached photo is from Google maps but the area is much more overgrown now. I walked here from The Ginger Fox around the corner which is only a 2 minute walk away but felt very dangerous. It’s on an A road so cars are naturally going very fast and from the junction you cannot even see that a bus stop is there so drivers have no reason to look out for pedestrians. The stop itself is only big enough for a couple of people to stand there, just inches from the cars whizzing past and the bushes have grown around the timetable. I don’t think this is a safe place for a bus stop at all but at the very least the bushes need cutting back and there should be signs to warn drivers that it’s there.

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