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Lack of signage for 20mph speed limit

Reported via desktop in the Traffic Signs category anonymously at 09:42, Monday 19 August 2024

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6372536.

This is a Witney-wide problem but it is an acute problem on West End. You have said you are going to add signs in West End but they have not appeared but in fact you need to review the signage across the town. You introduced a 20mph speed limit across Witney however your efforts to signal it are very limited and its enforcement is even worse. Unlike other towns and villages across the county there are very few 20mph signs in Witney and no painted road markings at all. It’s no wonder that many motorists appear to be completely unaware of the new speed limit - it’s hard to know it even exists in many roads. If you walk down the high street there are almost no signs and the only really clear ones are in a part of the high street that is supposed to be reserved for deliveries and blue badge holders! If you enter Bridge St from Mill Street as many through drivers currently do (heading up to Woodgreen, or along West End) there is only one sign on Bridge Street itself (which is turned flat to a wall so invisible) and West End only has one sign at the Hailey end - the only other one ‘disappeared’ shortly after being put up and we are still waiting for it to be replaced. There are no illuminated signs confirming the driver’s current speed even though I understand solar powered ones are relatively inexpensive. All this adds up to drivers thinking they are out of the 20 zone and speeding up. We have people literally driving like maniacs along West End. As previously reported there have been two crashes on West End due to speeding in the last couple of years. When are you going to correct this and properly implement the new speed zone with clear signage including road markings?

Council ref: ENQ241014502

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 09:43, Monday 19 August 2024

  • There are TWELVE 20 MPH signs spoiling The Crofts. You are welcome to take some of these.

    Posted anonymously at 11:43, Wednesday 28 August 2024

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