Road markings incorrect. DANGEROUS
Reported via mobile in the Road Markings category anonymously at 13:56, Tue 6 August 2024
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6323122.
Coming from Heyford Hill towards the roundabout in the right hand lane the markings show that you can go straight over to end up in the right lane headed towards Headington. Once you are on the roundabout, it says right turn only so people are swerving thinking they're in the wrong lane. Thr marking on the roundabout should show an arrow straight with thr option to go right. This was done in the last week and needs fixing.
Council ref: ENQ241013397
Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 13:56, Tue 6 August 2024
See FixMyStreet ref# 6322501 also reported concern.
*** Oh my, where is accountability for getting roundabout resurfaced & line markings in order??? ***
The roundabout pothole/surface & white line issues have been reported now over the last "few years"!
Posted anonymously at 04:40, Wed 7 August 2024
I've also seen these sudden lane marking changes causing near misses. It's only a matter of time until a crash occurs.
Posted anonymously at 08:05, Wed 7 August 2024
I agree, the right hand lane clearly says you can go straight on, the when you get on the roundabout the arrow changes to right turn only, and the new lanes now take the middle lane into the outside lane once off the roundabout, so everyone cuts you up. So dangerous. Total mess up whoever sanctioned this. Please sort this asap, as a daily user I am dreading using this junction as it’s very dangerous, an accident waiting to happen!
Posted anonymously at 20:27, Wed 7 August 2024
Please can you tell me if these are the road markings you refer to and let me know how they have changed since this 2017 view.
Posted anonymously at 14:01, Mon 12 August 2024
Those road markings haven't changed as far as I can tell (not 100% sure about the left lane).
The markings in question are the lane markings for the far right lane, ON the roundabout. I think an aerial shot of the roundabout from above might help explain. Unfortunately Google maps isn't updated to explain the mess
Posted anonymously at 17:18, Mon 12 August 2024
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We are already aware of the issue and are actively investigating based on the initial report. For further information see report/ 6322501
State changed to: Investigation complete
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 10:51, Tue 13 August 2024
The road marking in that picture are not the issue. It is the markings on the roundabout itself. Specifically the right lane that used to allow you to go straight and right, but now say right turn only.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted anonymously at 11:03, Tue 13 August 2024
The problem is the lanes entering the roundabout from the Sainsburys direction do not match the new lines exiting the roundabout going on around the bypass. On entering the far left lane is for Rose Hill, the middle lane for straight on, the right lane for straight on or into littlemore. This is how it has always been and worked fine. Now on exit, the far left is for straight on, middle for straight on and right for littlemore only. There is going to be a bad accident there very soon. Just make them match, not too hard to do. Preferably how it always was.
Posted anonymously at 16:28, Tue 13 August 2024
Nearly had a crash on here today as I was in the RH lane coming from Heyford Hill going straight on towards Headington. Car in middle lane went straight on and exited to the RH lane while I nearly went into the back of them. The lanes on the roundabout are marked incorrectly and do not merge as a roundabout should. Needs to be fixed as it is an accident waiting to happen
Posted anonymously at 19:43, Tue 13 August 2024
***The following report (copy & pasted) got closed out. Apparently was not understood as referring to LITTLEMORE roundabout & NOT the Heyford roundabout***See last incorrect reply notation before being closed out,***....
Severe lack of road lines! Reported via iOS in the Road Markings category anonymously at 12:05, Tuesday 6 August 2024
Sent to Oxfordshire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6322501.
You’ve taken the time to close the entire roundabout for a whole weekend and have FAILED TO REPAINT ALL OF THE LINES!!! Coming from Heyford Hill roundabout is impossible to navigate which lanes is where - think of learners - it’s impossible!!! How difficult was it to REPAINT LINES?! This is an accident waiting to happen! You’ve also managed to add an extra lane in that doesn’t go anywhere!!! That is also confusing drivers. On the approach from Hwyford Hill you have 3 lanes - left lane goes left, middle and right goes straight over and right lane also goes right. Once you’ve passed the first exit to Rose Hill an extra lane appears that no one can use!! That’s encouraging other drivers to use the left lane to go straight over. Now, I know there are arrows but people are atupid and dangerous.
Council ref: ENQ241013379
UPDATES Thank you for your enquiry. This issue has been passed onto the relevant team for investigation.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 12:06, Tuesday 6 August 2024
See FixMyStreet ref# 6323122 also reported concern.
*** Oh my, where is accountability for getting roundabout resurfaced & line markings in order??? ***
The roundabout pothole/surface & white line issues have been reported now over the last "few years"!
Posted anonymously at 04:57, Wednesday 7 August 2024
I was nearly hit by a lorry this morning due to the change of the painted lines on the roundabout. I have been travelling on this road for more than 20 years and since the resurfacing the arrows and lines have changed on the roundabout itself but when you approach the roundabout from the Herford Hill roundabout the right hand lane still shows as a straight on lane when in fact it’s now a right turn lane only. This needs fixing urgently before someone is seriously injured.
Posted anonymously at 16:27, Tuesday
Lines on roundabout from Heyford Hill need to show.
Left lane: left only (Rose Hill) Middle lane: Straight over (Tesco) Third lane: straight over (Tesco & right, Littlemore)
Lines approaching roundabout as they are showing, with exception of third lane that should show straight on (Tesco & right Littlemore)
Posted anonymously at 22:59, Tuesday
???????????????????????****???? Phased work on Heyford Hill Roundabout major maintenance scheme commenced 4th August 2024 and took advantage of the recent Rosehill Roundabout traffic management. The work is scheduled to be completed by October 2024 and as part of the work fresh road markings installation will be carried out.
State changed to: Investigation complete
Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 08:39 today
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location. ????????????????????****?????
Posted anonymously at 12:14, Wed 14 August 2024
Do not close this report in the same way. This is for Littlemore roundabout and not Heyford Hill and needs sorting as is confusing and an accident waiting to happen. The fact that the last report is closed just confirms to me how poorly this council is doing in any matters traffic related
Posted anonymously at 13:36, Wed 14 August 2024
Were the lanes supposed to be redesignated... which could make sense though is poorly thought out because of the proximity of pedestrian crossings... or is it that the whole roundabout has been done wrong?
It's really lucky that so many people are just relying on memory to take this roundabout; but it is critical... critical that it is fixed before something bad happens.
*There is an extra lane that is incorrectly signed for on the "littlemore" roundabout on the ringroad, causing the possibility of conflicting rights of way occurring*
Posted anonymously at 23:02, Wed 14 August 2024
I nearly had a crash earlier this week trying to go from Heyford Hill towards BMW plant. I was going straight and in the third lane, but was forced round the roundabout again by a drive in the lane next to me. I'm afraid everyday on this roundabout now. Please please fix it.
Posted anonymously at 10:25, Thu 15 August 2024
In addition to the problems reported upthread, the right-turn lane into Littlemore has exactly the same problem as it has always had - one must filter across two lanes from the marked lane for Littlemore in order to end up in the marked lane for Littlemore in the short distance before the lights, while the paint suggests not changing lane at all until it is too late to fix one's error.
The recent repainting is an opportunity missed - so far as I can see, the former paint, which was ambiguous and dangerous, has simply been reinstated, when a wholesale redesign should have been undertaken, one with spiral marked lanes.
Posted anonymously at 17:19, Thu 15 August 2024
The council appears to have re-instated the original line markings from 2018 or so which are visible in this aerial drone view from Drive Professional Driving School video: watch?v=fDfj0D9qR84 (see attached image)
You can just see the right-turn marking in the lane that people are complaining about at the top of the roundabout in that image. You can also (just) see it in this timestamp of a video from BRM driving school: K6MFSU-rGRg?t=554 but it’s almost completely worn out.
It appears that the traffic officers think that traffic should be spiralling out to the outer two lanes immediately after passing the exit to Iffley if they wish to go straight on on the A4142?
This is a completely insane manoeuvre that nobody expects to carry out at this point & the early right-turn only marking was so worn out that nobody could see it anyway, so prior to the road markings being renewed drivers were carrying on in "their" lane & taking the exit as they chose. With the re-introduction of explicit lane markings, you’re getting conflict between drivers who are following the “natural” line round the roundabout and those who see the lane marking & try to switch lanes, to the confusion of all.
If traffic officers expect drivers to spiral out in the lanes on this roundabout, they should (I personally believe) mark the entirety of the lanes around the roundabout appropriately so that it is obvious where drivers are expected to position their vehicles.
Posted by Phil Armstrong at 17:38, Thu 15 August 2024
In reply to the comment above, I've just looked at the aerial video and the first person video, neither of them show a right only arrow on the roundabout towards Littlemoore. If anything, it looks like a worn out straight ahead marker (which would make logical sense...) If they had reinstated the previous lines, they surely would have also repainted the "keep clear" markings (which they haven't). Plus they've painted additional lane lines that weren't there in either video in the direction of Cowley, so unfortunately, I don't think that your theory of repainting existing lines is correct.
Posted anonymously at 16:40, Wed 21 August 2024
Another morning, another near misses witnessed. Someone from lane 2 from Heyford hill direction followed the lane markings towards Cowley, resulting in people from lanes 1, 2 and 3 all trying to merge into the 2 exit lanes.
Posted anonymously at 06:38, Thu 22 August 2024
To anon @ 16:40 yesterday. You’re right that the arrow on the road is very eroded in that video so it’s hard to be sure whether it’s a straight on or right turn arrow.
So I went and did some more digging & turned up a video that makes it very clear that it was in fact originally a right turn arrow. Check this YT video from six years ago at 0:32 : HgCiSNXaGk0?t=32
I think it’s very clear in that video that the arrow painted on the road is a right turn arrow.
(There’s also this video which contains an aerial shot from 10 years ago: watch?v=KBma4cq4jyw Unfortunately it’s 480p & hard to make out, but it looks to me as if the arrow on the road is a right turn arrow there too.)
Regardless of the rights & wrongs of what the road markings should be, I think it’s clear that the workers who carried out the resurfacing and repainting of the lines did so exactly as required according to the original design. No blame lies with them whatsoever.
(My presumption is that this design, where traffic engineers expected drivers to move out lane by lane as they circled the roundabout, predates the modern style where the lanes on a multi-lane roundabout are painted to spiral out as you go round. Drivers now expect this kind of “spiral out” design & so are confused by the fixed lane designations used on the Littlemore roundabout.)
Posted by Phil Armstrong at 09:08, Thu 22 August 2024
Very dangerous incorrect road markings. Accident waiting to happen
Posted anonymously at 16:08, Sat 24 August 2024
Came out of Rose Hill a couple of days ago and wanted to go right towards Heyford Hill. As far as I am aware it was always middle and rh lane to turn right on this roundabout. Now when queuing up to the roundabout, the middle and rh lanes both have a straight arrow straight towards Littlemore which makes no sense not to have a right turn arrow, and the entry to Littlemore is only one lane. I'm surprised there hasn't been a serious incident on this roundabout yet. Please review and fix asap
Posted anonymously at 18:11, Sat 24 August 2024
Another morning and another near miss witnessed!!
Posted anonymously at 13:22, Thu 29 August 2024
Going over the roundabout again an hour ago and almost got side swiped. The lack of lines after the traffic lights aren't helping either. GET THIS FIXED! You put this down as 'investigating' ages ago. Send someone over this once and you'll realise how badly this has been messed up!
Posted anonymously at 14:40, Thu 29 August 2024
To the person who posted above: it's been nearly a month. I think they're ignoring us. I'd genuinely be surprised if they did anything at this point.
Posted anonymously at 15:08, Thu 29 August 2024
It does seem that the council are ignoring the issue. It's been closed once through a lack of understanding of the location, despite quite clear explanations and a map showing where the issue is. It's also been raised again on 18th August (ENQ241014459) but still no response. Schools are back soon, it's about to get a lot busier again! It would be interesting to see if there would be any liability on the councils part for an insurance claim when the inevitable collision does happen!
Posted anonymously at 17:59, Thu 29 August 2024
Yet again exiting towards Cowley/BMW from Heyford Hill, someone who started off in the middle lane exited to the RH Lane and nearly went into the side of me!
I'm sick of having near misses on this roundabout due to the newly painted lines!
Stop ignoring the issue and sort it out before something serious happens
Posted anonymously at 13:02, Sun 1 September 2024
BEWARE This issue was raised elsewhere (reg.ENQ241014459) and the council have closed it with this response:
"The road markings arrangement at Littlemore Roundabout after the recent maintenance resurfacing work are the same as those prior to the resurfacing works and therefore temporary new layouts signs are not appropriate or necessary."
I for one believe that they will close this in the same way.
This roundabout layout is confusing, dangerous and wrong. I urge whoever is investigating this just to please try to drive across it and you will see the issue.
It was not a problem before it was repainted
Posted anonymously at 10:31, Fri 6 September 2024
Watched a moped come to about an inch of slamming into the back of a car on here today, as there were cars stopped due to conflictions in which lane to exit the roundabout, middle lane trying to exit in right lane (coming from Sainsbury's towards Tesco) causing a few emergency stops on the roundabout.
Roundabout is now very confusing and needs addressing asap
Posted anonymously at 20:26, Fri 13 September 2024
Nearly had an accident on here today — I was continuing on the ring road anticlockwise in the right lane and was cut up by somebody who was heading to littlemore. I don’t blame them because the roundabout is a mess!! It desperately needs to be repainted so that the lines spiral out like Peartree or Hinksey hill.
Posted anonymously at 23:39, Thu 19 September 2024
I have to use this roundabout for my daily commute to work, which means I use it twice and since it was reopened with these incorrect road markings I extremely surprised I haven't yet seen a crash happen in front of me, although it has been extremely close to happening.
It is now nearly the end of September, this issue was reported on the 6th of August but there has not been a single meaningful update?
Can we get some transparency on what is happening regarding this? If it needs explaining again please state so and I will take pictures of the entire roundabout if need be and explain why this is such an issue.
Posted anonymously at 23:16, Tue 24 September 2024
Does the council have any upates on this mess? It's been reported for nearly 3 months and absolutely no response at all? It's still wrong and causing confusion and near misses! What's going on?
Posted anonymously at 14:31, Tue 29 October 2024
I have literally found this after searching for this roundabout because of the lane confusion, I work at plant Oxford and witness near misses daily AN ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN
Posted anonymously at 13:00, Wed 30 October 2024
The "right-only" arrow has been painted over which has helped to eliminate some confusion, and people are largely conforming to correct use of the roundabout now. The main issue now comes from unfamiliar users of the roundabout who follow the lanes instead of spiralling out. A dotted-spiral-out mark would alleviate this, but I feel is unlikely to ever come into fruition.
Posted anonymously at 13:42, Wed 30 October 2024
This problem is not fixed. I ended up here trying to find a way to report the issue today and see that it has been an issue for a while! The three lanes coming from Heyford Hill are still marked as left-only, straight-on, and straight-on. The lanes on the roundabout are left-and-straight-on, straight-on, and right-only!
Posted by Paul Davis at 13:14, Mon 2 December 2024
I have got in contact with Anneliese Dodds to see if she can get the council to actually fix the problem!
Posted by Paul Davis at 09:42, Tue 31 December 2024
After much back and forth apparently the lines have been like that for years. They had just faded
Posted anonymously at 18:39, Friday 31 January 2025
I don't think that's right, but even if it was, they are very confusing and, whether they have always been that way or not, they need updating. As the regular users of the roundabout have commented, it is not right and are causing dangerous conditions on our roads! Am pretty sure someone was sideswiped on there a few days ago. I wonder if this council were to spend less money on trying to discourage and punish motorists in east Oxford, then they might have some money to spare in fixing these poorly laid out roads and roundabouts. Tesco roundabout in Cowley is also confusing (coming from Cowley to Tesco to turn right, some people don't follow the lanes, from the middle straight on lane they carry in the middle mane until its become the right turn lane) which has also been reported but nothing gets done. Simply adding some new signage or some more markers on the road would massively help and eliminate the confusion. They don't want to take the time and look at an issue but would rather just sweep it away.
Posted anonymously at 19:40, Friday 31 January 2025
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