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Inconsiderate pavement parking

Reported via desktop anonymously at 15:47, Tue 30 July 2024

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6294586.

There is an ongoing problem (+2yrs) with people parking on the pavement outside of the Ziszis Foods shop. This is not about the vans delivering items for the shop nor is it for the vans dropping off or picking up parcels, this is about the inconsiderate members of the public that are parking all four wheels off the road, sometimes almost completely blocking the pavement to pedestrians. But nothing has been as bad as this person at 1:20pm Monday 29th July ‘24 (not the lady in green) who decided to park so far on the pavement that he almost blocked the door to the shop. Other cars arrived after, the two white vehicles in the background, which ended up blocking him in, which he didn’t like, but was his own fault. It’s a good job that the shop didn’t need to be evacuated in a hurry as this vehicle would have been in the way!

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