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Mess in public path next to house

Reported in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 12:23, Thu 30 April 2015

Sent to Redbridge Borough Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 628385.

Graffiti,dog mess constantly ! drugs bought/sold smoked,cans you name it, late night drug use and the mess left,moved people on groups of lads ,kids etc ,really need this path gated,it is not needed as walk through ,as path other end of terrace of five anyway,which is used more because of all the rubbish and lack of security and not being overlooked just reported constant dog fouling

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 14:26, Sun 31 May 2015

  • as mentality of people is going backwards,and our kids dont care ,the last thing we need is a hiding place for a s b and drug dealing ,we had three men outside and in ally till 4.30am last week,if it was not for myself and other half clearing /picking up toot/also had to put cover over wall electrics as door broken off leaving live electrics open for the kids to play with ,still with temp cover on for nearly two years now,was in touch with our local councillor after getting a path close near his address for the same problems but nothing came of it/the lighting is perthetic at the rear path,is always a dumping ground and now a breeding ground for the drug culture/grooming ,anyway thanks for the contact at least its something lets hope for rain every night !!!!! we also have the very regular drug dealing in kielder to worry about,were all doomed! anyway regards rob/sue

    Posted anonymously at 14:26, Sun 31 May 2015

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