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Traffic management required

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 10:08, Thursday 25 July 2024

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6273705.

There are almost daily situations where lorries come around the crescent which is a one way street, on reaching the end, there insufficient space to turn out of the crescent, bollards are constantly being flattened by vehicles trying to manoeuvre out, this is partly caused by vehicles parking at this junction - though there are no road markings to prevent this anyway

This ends up causing a back up of traffic and inability to leave the crescent by car which includes private residences, a doctors surgery, businesses and a charity for blind people.

My own car was written off last year by a lorry reversing around the crescent, impacting it in its parking space as it couldnt exit the junction.

This happens all the time and while signs advising lorries not to go around the crescent might assist, even leaving in a normal car can be difficult due to the junction layout

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