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Dangerous driving / Parking

Reported via desktop anonymously at 00:48, Thursday 25 July 2024

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6272743.

This is the view every time I leave my property in the car. Numerous times I have nearly been hit by cars going at excess speed into the road which I can't see. Frequently, it parks the other way round and drives along the path in front of my house endangering me and my family when we step outside the driveway. You can see in the picture there is no road sign permitting it to park on the path which is required by law. The police have even told them not to do it! What surprises me is that DVLA information calls this vehicle Red, and it has a broken windscreen in front of the driver which has passed 2 MOT's!

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