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Over grown tree

Reported via iOS anonymously at 09:53, Mon 8 July 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6202523.

As you can see to the bottom roadside of the tree it is obstructing the view for us to safely leave our property because of the branches that are now overgrowing. Secondly we have a tree that is way too big and is now encroaching over our property leaving constant mess on our driveway with leafs other debris from the tray and the constant covering of bird poo on the drive and on all four of my recycling bins the tree needs to be tidied up and hasn’t been tidied up in sometime. Hopefully you will take some action with the ever-changing weather conditions heavy rain that we’ve had recently and strong winds our concerns are that if one of the branches was to come off the tree and cause damage to our property or our vehicles both of which park on our driveway we would then be making an insurance claim For damages

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  • This giant tree is becoming too dangerous and it needs to be cut down half way the neighbours are worried and we need to feel safe, I think it is about tme someone took interest and concern to make us safe!

    Posted anonymously at 16:37, Fri 18 October 2024

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