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Have reported this multiple times now

Reported via desktop in the Parks & Green Spaces category by Sinjin shillingham schmire at 17:00, Saturday 6 July 2024

Sent to Lewisham Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6198323.

This fencing has been falling down since they started works on this park some 8 months?? ago. If it falls on some it could end up putting them in hospital, if it is some very old or a small child it could kill them. Putting heavier weights on the bases doesn't work because the struts for the fences have been snapping and because they are all connected it acts like a domino affect pull over large amounts.

Imagine the weight of 10 of those panels falling on someone, it would be hard for a few people to quickly lift it up.

I'd also hate for someone's dog to get crushed there.

Someone was smart enough to remove the panels and chuck them on the grass as it was a lot worse than in my photo and some bright spark came and rebuilt the fence only for it fall over again an hour later.

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  • Works Completed

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Lewisham Borough Council at 16:07, Tuesday 9 July 2024

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 17:44, Saturday 3 August 2024

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